
Authentication by Private Keys

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This is a huge amount of work but I just cannot use it without support for private key auth. Not that familiar with FFI but looks like a private key Struct needs to be included and things would just work.

  1. Simple way to auth from private key file

Not sure if you are still supporting this work but thought I would ask!



So I did manage to get things working will post an example once it's a bit neater..

Again fab work.


Example of using private key for auth based on the examples in the repo..

thanks, glad you managed to do what you wanted, I use this package in a personal internal project and it has worked well for me, feel free if you want to contribute a pull request to add other features

I'll leave your example here so I can help others who have this problem

import 'dart:ffi';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:ffi/ffi.dart';
import 'package:libssh_binding/libssh_binding.dart';
import 'dart:ffi' as ffi;
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;

void main() async {
// Some vars (change to suit)
  String remoteFile = "/home/cconstab/testfile";
  String localFile = "./testfile";
  String sshKeyFile = "/home/cconstab/.ssh/GitHub_rsa";
  var host = "";
  var port = 22;
  var username = "cconstab";

  // Open the dynamic library
  var libraryPath = path.join('/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/', '');
  final dll =;
  var libssh = LibsshBinding(dll);

  // Set up session
  var mySshSession = libssh.ssh_new();
  libssh.ssh_options_set(mySshSession, ssh_options_e.SSH_OPTIONS_HOST, stringToNativeVoid(host));
  libssh.ssh_options_set(mySshSession, ssh_options_e.SSH_OPTIONS_PORT, intToNativeVoid(port));
  libssh.ssh_options_set(mySshSession, ssh_options_e.SSH_OPTIONS_USER, stringToNativeVoid(username));
  // Connect to server 
  var rc = libssh.ssh_connect(mySshSession);
  if (rc != SSH_OK) {
    print('Error connecting to host: $host\n');

  ffi.Pointer<ffi.Pointer<ssh_key_struct>> sshKey = calloc();

  rc = libssh.ssh_pki_import_privkey_file(
      stringToNativeInt8(sshKeyFile), nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, sshKey);

  rc = libssh.ssh_userauth_publickey(mySshSession, stringToNativeInt8(username), sshKey[0]);
  if (rc != ssh_auth_e.SSH_AUTH_SUCCESS) {
    var error = libssh.ssh_get_error(mySshSession.cast());
    print("Error authenticating with Keys:$error\n");

  await libssh.sftpDownloadFileTo(
      mySshSession, stringToNativeInt8(remoteFile), path.join(Directory.current.path, localFile));



Awesome thank you