
Run dublin-traceroute in container hang

shufanhao opened this issue · 2 comments

Start container command:

docker run -itd --name test --net=host -v $PWD/output:/output insomniacslk/dublin-traceroute /bin/sh

Hang here, wait about 1 hours, there is no updated.

dublin-traceroute -d 443
WARNING: you are running this program as root. Consider setting the CAP_NET_RAW
         capability and running as non-root user as a more secure alternative.
Starting dublin-traceroute
Traceroute from to (probing 20 paths, min TTL is 1, max TTL is 30, delay is 10 ms)

Is there anyone who know what's wrong about it ?

Can you please add strace to the Docker image and show me the output of dublin-traceroute under strace? Also, can you try calling dublin-traceroute with -N?

Hey @shufanhao , I cannot reproduce the issue using

docker run --rm -it -v $PWD/output:/output insomniacslk/dublin-traceroute dublin-traceroute -d 443 -o /output/trace.json

It also works if I use --net=host. Can you show me the output? Silly question, but if you remove -d from the command line does it do what you expect?