
A static blog generator, based on Vue, inherits from Yori.

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT


A static blog generator, based on Vue, inherits from Yori.

Demo | Install | Usage

Another tiny static blog generator, hahaha. The predecessor of the yori-vue project is yori, so their goals are aligned:

Aim to help you break free from modern, convenient but resource-heavy tools.

I have tried some modern SSGs and finally decided to build one myself, so I wrote this. I hope you will enjoy this project.

PS: The detailed implementation approach is documented in this article (还没写) for reference purposes.


There is no guarantee that the latest version is the final version, but it may be a stable version.

The project is currently in development stage and will be released on npm after development is completed.

Git clone this repository and run npm install.


Configure and create content in the 'docs' folder.

Run npm run dev to preview.

Run npm run build to build. The output will be placed in the 'dist' folder.


Change avator in the directory 'public/'


Config in the file 'home/config.json'.

  "html-title": "title in browser",
  "title": "title",
  "profile": ["array of sentences"],
  "social-link": [
      "icon": "icon name in remixicon",
      "link": "link",
      "color": "hex color"
  "image-link": "url",
  "image-offset": "-0% <= string <= -100%"

Find your social link icons on https://remixicon.com/.


Put markdown files in the directory 'note/'.

Markdown files need to have a YAML front matter. The front matter should follow the following configuration:

title: Your Title Here
date: YYYY-MM-DD
brief: Your Brief Here
image?: Image Url (default "")
notbyai?: boolean (default true)

"?" is not part of the configuration, it indicates that the option can be left blank. Replace 'YYYY-MM-DD' with the date you created or last modified the file.


Markdown's filename must be english! Since the issue from vue-router below:


also mentioned here:




Write repositories' infomation in the file 'projects/config.json'.

The format is as follows:

    "name": "",
    "desc": "",
    "link": "",
    "icon": ""

Find your project icons on https://icon-sets.iconify.design/.


Write your about in the file 'about/config.json'.

    "time": "year ~ year",
    "title": "Where was i?",
    "brief": "What have i done?",
    "more": "Tags for me"
    "time": "year ~ now",
    "title": "Where am i?",
    "brief": "What am i doing?",
    "more": "Tags for me"


TODO: Need more development in future.

Clone the repository and then only change the docs and the public folder.

Run npm run build.

Push the dist folder to the repository to deploy on GitHub Pages.


MIT License © 2023-Present insorker