
When will the operator in OperatorHub be updated?

Closed this issue · 7 comments

The available operator version in Openshift is 1.0.5 from may. But there is a 2.0.1 release available. When do you expect the operator in OperatorHub to be updated to the current version?


Unfortunately we were having some difficulty in releasing the OLM Operator bundle in all places. It should now be available via;

The RedHat Marketplace Operators is still in progress but should follow soon.

Please let us know if there are even more places we currently overlooked.

Alright, 2.0.0 is actually there now in the Openshift OperatorHub. Do you know if there is a minium of kubernetes version?

I think we're supporting all the same versions as with the previous version.

Note that we will have a 2.0.2 version in a couple of days. You might want to wait for that, as it includes a fix for SecurityContext which might give problems on OpenShift.

2.0.2 fails on our Openshift 4.6 cluster but works in our 4.8. The log:
For some reason it lists "Provided APIs" twice, maybe some leftovers from a previous operator are still around? It also insist on "Manual approval required" despite choosing Automatic (which it does not on the 4.8 cluster).

It looks like the Cert-Manager might be missing? This is needed when installing with the conversion WebHook:

Could you please retry?

With the provided API's do you perhaps mean the v1beta1 and v1 ? The v1 is the new one but the conversion WebHook will automatically convert the v1beta1 so the new Operator works with that as well.
If you don't need this conversion, you can also install without the WebHook (and thus also don't need the Cert-Manager).

ac427 commented

controller-manager pods are crashing on 4.6 cluster. Tried installing via yaml and it failed with

Once I install the operator gets installed without crashing the controller-manager.

Operator gets installed okay on 4.8 cluster via GUI without any extra steps.

$oc apply -f
namespace/instana-agent unchanged configured
serviceaccount/controller-manager unchanged configured unchanged unchanged unchanged
configmap/manager-config unchanged
service/webhook-service created
deployment.apps/controller-manager configured
unable to recognize "": no matches for kind "Certificate" in version ""
unable to recognize "": no matches for kind "Issuer" in version ""

thanks. I guess that means we can close this issue?
(the Operator not working without the cert-manager is expected. Perhaps on OC 4.8 its already there or was installed for some other software?)