
Node.js in-process collectors for Instana

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Instana Node.js Monorepo

Changelog | Contributing | @instana/collector

Instana npm packages

This repository hosts all Instana's Node.js tracer packages.

Traditional server-based environments

Serverless environments

Please use our @instana/serverless-collector for any other serverless environment.

Breaking Changes

The current major release is 4.x.y.

Checkout our breaking changes documentation.

Filing Issues

If something is not working as expected or you have a question, instead of opening an issue in this repository, please open a ticket at https://www.ibm.com/mysupport instead. Please refrain from filing issues or tickets if your audit tool (npm audit, Snyk, etc.) reported a CVE for a dependency or a transitive dependency of @instana/collector -- we run these audits with every build and take appropriate action automatically.


The documentation for Instana's Node.js support is available on Node.js page of the Instana documentation portal.

Here are a few more quick links: