
How to become a contributor

xdewx opened this issue · 2 comments

xdewx commented

The effect of current version can't satisfy my requirement.

  1. The preview window is width-fixed
  2. The formulas can't be resolved though I have added let g:instant_markdown_mathjax = 1 to my .vimrc
  3. etc

So,is there any way which I can follow to add new features into vim-instant-markdown and where is the docs?

Thank you!

For mathjax you need to get the master version on github.

For changes related to whatever you see in the browser, including math rendering, you have to modify Don't hesitate to send pull-requests if you have a fix. Since this is not related to vim plugin, I will close the issue here.

I will keep this open because there is no text on how to contribute:

So,is there any way which I can follow to add new features into vim-instant-markdown and where is the docs?