
:InstantMarkdownPreview fail to pops up the preview page after reopen markdown file

hitzhangjie opened this issue · 1 comments

Problem summary

I open markdown in vim and preview by :InstantMarkdownPreview, browser pops up and show the prview successfully.
After this, I closed markdown document, and reopen it, and press :InstantMarkdownPreview again. The browser doesn't pops up the preview page any more.

But after I kill instant-markdown-d by pkill -f instant-markdown-d, and rerun :InstantMarkdownPreview, it works as expected.


Pops up the preview page when press :InstantMarkdownPreview all the time.

Environment Information

  • OS: macOS
  • Vim / Neovim version: 8.2.1850
  • Browser: chrome

Steps to reproduce the issue (required)

  1. open markdown file
  2. enter :InstantMarkdownPreview to preview
  3. close the preview page (browser tab)
  4. reopen markdown file
  5. enter :InstantMarkdownPreview to preview
  6. expect show the preview page again, but not.

I don't know if this problem is relevant with the version of node.

After I downgrade node from v14 to v12, this problem is solved.