
Include in Neovims `plugins-setup.lua` to use it with Packer package manager

MannyFay opened this issue · 3 comments

Many Vim-Plug plugins work in Neovim to, if I do use('a/plugin').
It is possible to do the same with the vim-instant-markdown plugin?
If yes, how I have to modify Plug 'instant-markdown/vim-instant-markdown', {'for': 'markdown', 'do': 'yarn install'} to use it in the lua file?


 use { 'instant-markdown/vim-instant-markdown', ft='markdown', run='yarn install'}

Read the docs

Thank's for your help! It works perfect!
...and thank you for this awesome plugin!!
If you going to plan a dark mode for your plugin, maybe I can help you in future?!

There is a PR #207 and I made some minor requests. Unfortunatley the contributor is not responding. Can you do the finishing touches?