
Latest update causes drop down to close immediately after clicking it

Opened this issue · 9 comments

I have a bootstrap dropdown, as you can see the top level nav item is a link which when clicked causes the drop down submenu to show. After the plugin update, clicking on the top level nav item causes it to open and then immediately close a split second later.


Any idea? I can't find what the latest update does that's causing this. The top level link href value is "#"

This is occurring for me as well when using both Firefox and Chromium.

Bootstrap Issue with

That's the exact symptom I'm getting!

This appears to be fixed (for me at least) with v5.1.0.

@coliff because it disables the feature.

@coliff because it disables the feature.

I wish there was a Changelog or release notes somewhere....

Thanks, had no idea there was a change-log, looked all over.

Will test to see if issue is resolved.

Tested successfully, working as expected now, thanks!!