
!!!ASAP!!! 0.15.1 crash native apps!!!

Closed this issue · 9 comments

oxyii commented

overflowY crash app just importing MenuProvider !!!

Related to this issue: #146

For a temporary fix replace "^0.15.0" with "0.15.0" in package.json

oxyii commented

I know, thanks. Issue created for repo-members )

npm install --save react-native-popup-menu@0.15.0 works fine too

Thanks for letting us know... Funny thing that 0.15.1 is working fine in expo ( ) but overflowY seems not to be official property in RN. Fixed in 0.15.2

@oxyii is 0.15.2 fine?

oxyii commented

@sodik82 Yep, 0.15.2 works fine on native platforms. But have useNativeDriver warning on web when menu open


oxyii commented

@sodik82 I think in build folder must be 3 files

  • index.js // <- just export from "react-native-popup-menu"
  • react-native-popup-menu.js // <- for native platforms
  • react-native-popup-menu.web.js // <- for web

or do not build at all.

Metro bundler will compile her-self.
Developers who works with web platform already made an ejection and added required node_modules libraries into babel config. Impossible to create a good RNWeb app without ejecting or using others libs for babel configuration like a react-app-rewired and customize-cra. IMHO )

The build for RNWeb came from community. However I like your idea - two builds could use different env variables to enable/disable native driver.

Could you create something like that? Or at least create new improvement issue :)

oxyii commented

Platform-specific code works fine natively. Just create *.<platform>.js )) *.web.js too. You do not need to do something else.

I don't have enough time to do that now but I just fixed web warning. See PR