
How to dismiss the menu after opening without select any MenuOption??

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I added the Menu in the header so that on the right side so that I can use the menu in header. Now when I open the menu and select any option it works fine. But when I want to dismiss the menu without selecting any option there is no such option.

I also want to style the text which I am showing in the header but unable to do so. Here are the screenshots.
Screenshot_2019-10-04-14-29-18-747_host exp exponent 1
Screenshot_2019-10-04-14-28-55-847_host exp exponent 1

If I open the menu then without selecting any option it is not getting closed. And also is there any way to insert an icon instead of text. Like I want to add an ellipsis vertical icon but not able to do so, hence used the text version of that Icon.

user can close the menu by clicking anyway outside. if it is not working, you probably haven't place your MenuProvider on the top of your application as described in documentation.

how can someone dynamically open and close a menu. I cant find that in the docs