
rendererProps doesn't work

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I'm trying to pass style properties to ContextMenu component but it doesn't work:

<Menu renderer={renderers.ContextMenu}  rendererProps={{style: {marginLeft: 20}}}>
                    <NavigationList type='popup' items={data} />
</Menu >

I logged style object in render method of ContextMenu component and got this:

// result: [undefined, undefined]

not sure, but styling is not done via rendererProps.... check our styling example. rendererProps is escape hatch for "other" props that are not controlled via other (more semantic props).

@sodik82 Yes, I checked styling example, but I didn't find example how to control position of ContextMenu element, i.e. add margin. So I tried to do it via rendererProps but also didn't come to success

something like or ?

I know it is a bit tricky because there is no single style that controls how popup menu looks

@sodik82 thanks, that's exactly what I need