
Unable to find MenuOption by testID

plambir93kek opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi, i use Jest framework and RNTL for e2e testing, and i faced with the problem.
No MenuOption in snapshots, also unable to find MenuOption by testID after
Is there any way to have e2e tests with this library?

      customStyles={{ optionTouchable: { testID: 'option' }}}
      {icon && <View style={[style.icon, iconStyle]}>{icon}</View>}
      <AppText style={titleStyle}>{title}</AppText>

Hi @plambir93kek did you found any solution for this ? because i'm facing this the same issue right now

just curious, what everything is under your test?

because MenuOptions are rendered inside MenuProvider component normally

I'm facing the same issue. Even when I manually set opened={true}, there is no menu options in the snapshot. I render menu component inside Menu Provider in my tests.