
Mystery Error when Port in use.

stobias123 opened this issue · 0 comments

Describe the issue

When trying to log in, I see this error after an extended period of time.

W1024 10:11:21.792935   46634 transport.go:288] Unable to cancel request for *exec.roundTripper

My OIDC provider threw some other cryptic error about the redirect URI not being correct.

Ultimately I found that the port 8000 was in use by another application, and that was causing problems with the local kubelogin server. I'd expect the kubelogin server to just throw an error saying the port is in use. Instead, it took me a little while to figure out what was going on.

To reproduce

  1. Bind port 8000 python3 -m http.server 8000
  2. Try to log in. kubectl get po
  3. Observe error.

Your environment

  • osx
  • kubelogin version: 1.25
  • kubectl version: 1.22
  • OpenID Connect provider: okta