Library for (nicely) loading PEAR MDB2 in CodeIgniter framework

Primary LanguagePHP


Library for (nicely) loading PEAR MDB2 in CodeIgniter framework.

Installation instructions:

  1. Grab CI_MDB2 package (git clone https://intarstudents@github.com/intarstudents/CI_MDB2.git or https://github.com/intarstudents/CI_MDB2/archives/master).
  2. Merge two folder content (config and libraries) inside your CodeIgniter application folder.
  3. You are done.
  4. ???
  5. Profit!


CI_MDB2 isn't your regular CI library. It's more like "loader" for your MDB2 instance, so it better blends into CI hierarchy. When you load new CI_MDB2:

$this->load->library('mdb2', array(
  	"dsn" => "mysql://user:password@host/yourdb"

It will by default create two new objects in super CI object:

  • $CI->mdb2 // Loader instance
  • $CI->db // MDB2 instance

From here now you don't have to load new "Loader instance" for adding new MDB2 instance (that for example connected to other database). You will just write:

	"dsn" => "mysql://otheruser:andpassword@differenthost/anddatabase?charset=utf8"
  	"object_name" => "db2"

This will create new MDB2 object $CI->db2 that is connected to differenthost.