src block output not fontified with org-superstar
timlod opened this issue · 1 comments
See emacs-jupyter/jupyter#366.
On Emacs 27.1, with org 9.4.6+ (also tried at 9.5.1) - output of src blocks is not fontified if org-superstar
is loaded (the problem persists even when turning org-superstar-mode
Tested with a minimal config, loading only org-mode.
Lack of fontification can be checked with:
#+begin_src python :results output
: AB�[43mCD�[0mEF
Hi @timlod, looking into emacs-jupyter/jupyter#366 this seems to be font-lock choking on something.
I haven't gotten around to reproduce it yet since I'd need to sort out the dependencies and test things proper.
But just to make sure: do you mean that just requiring the package changes the behavior of font-lock, even if the mode was never enabled? Or do you mean it has a lasting impact if it was enabled and is subsequently disabled?