
Sensys needs build system enabled

ericho opened this issue · 1 comments

As part of the continuous integration process, Sensys needs to have support of CI builds. This can be achieve by using Travis CI.

Travis CI is enable now, the changes can be seen on cad49d9
As a summary, this was done in this task.

Docker image created

A docker image based on CentOS 7.3 was created and published in the docker registry. This image can be used by anyone running docker pull intelctrlsys/sensys-bld-centos7.3. The infra-helpers repo was created to store the Dockerfile for this and future images.

Two building modes

Travis CI build Sensys in two different modes:

  • Dynamic build: Performs a dynamic compilation of the project
  • Static build: Performs a static compilation and execute the unit tests.

On every commit these two builds will be launched.