
Virtual Image example

Closed this issue · 2 comments


First, congratulation this tool is perfect to test, I would like to know if you have example of vclient.tmp.img, and you have a fixed path into file it's hard coded to your path address (/home/xuechendi/remote_access/vclient.tmp.img) Line: 63.

Hi, @marcosmamorim

Sorry for my slow reply, I was on day off yesterday and totally forgot about this issue

About the vclient.tmp.img, you can create a basic ubuntu vm img, and put under CeTune/vm-scripts/ dir, then the should work.

Or, I uploaded a vclient.tmp.img to cloud, because of the size limitation of dropbox, I uploaded to a Chinese cloud storage web site, hope you can find where the download button is(tips: the white button right after the blue one, writes 下载(2.5G))

url :

passwd: q2d6

Hi @xuechendi

Thanks for reply, I created my own image and run the tests.