
The script exits when checking the msr module on CentOS/RHEL

GaoliangL opened this issue · 3 comments

On Centos/RHEL, the msr module has been built into kernel instead of a separate module. It will return nothing when running 'lsmod | grep msr'. So the script will exit when checking the msr module.
RET = os.system("lsmod | grep msr >/dev/null")
if RET != 0:
print("ERROR: Need the 'msr' kernel module")
print("Please run 'modprobe msr'")

We saw this issue on CentOS7.6 with Kernel 5.0.9-1.el7.elrepo.x86_64.

Hi, Thanks for the bug report. I've just pushed a fix, tested it on a system with built-in kernel module, and also did rmmod msr and modprobe msr on a system with 'msr' as a loadable kernel module. Seems OK. Could you check on your CentOS/RHEL systems to be sure it's fixed? Thanks.

Checked on a system with msr module built into the kernel, as well as on a system with msr module pluggable. Works as expected in tested situations. Closing issue. with the fix works as expected on our CentOS/RHEL system, thanks.