
what's the different between KVMGT and passthrough intel Integrated Graphics

maqiangddb opened this issue · 11 comments

I want know if we can just passthrough intel Integreated Graphics to VM? because KVMGT not supported for windows guest yet, if just passthrough to VM will be easier?

We'll work on windows support for KVMGT.

But hey, you can passing through IGD to Windows guest directly.

What's more, passthroug needs VT-d be present; KVMGT doesn't.

Does IGD can be passed through? I test VGA passthrough with GTX760, method is : vfio-pci + OVMF, it works fine. But I passthrough IGD of intel, it not work! if I miss something?

@maqiangddb : technically IGD can be passed through, either by legacy PCI assign, or by VFIO.

Personally I have a legacy pci assign solution on hand, but that's not for release; For VFIO base solutions, as far as I know, Andy Barnes has a solution:

But I don't try that, not sure how stable it is.

If windows guest support of KVMGT will coming soon? Does it have an release time? seemingly there is not stable method for IGD passthrough.

Windows support of kvmgt is supposed to be released by end of Q4 2015, but hey this is only an estimation.

Can you tell me the detail of legacy pci assign solution of intel IGD? The archlinux blog say intel IGD is not supported YET.

@maqiangddb: this is only an internal POC and not going to upstream, so sorry I can't share it out.

Hi Jike
Listened to your video at kvm forum. I want to access Intel IGD (GPU) using on a 3.14.5 kernel based linux guest VM (since Intel media SDK OpenCL driver is based on that). Is KVMGT something worth trying? What is the recommended host OS?

@sjangi : we have released a new KVMGT with new repositories(merged with XenGT), you can find it here:

This 3.14-based repository is obsolete. Please have a try of the new one. If I understand correctly, Intel MediaSDK should work for the new KVMGT.


As I was searching for Intel IGD Passthru reports, I found some people here might find my success in passing the Intel IGD through the QEMU/KVM, interesting and useful. Here's a demo of it :
