
missing /sys/kernel/vgt path when load kernel

PeerXu opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi, everyone.
I compiled the kernel, install it and boot from the new kernel.
But cannot find /sys/kernel/vgt.

My Enviroment:
Ubuntu 14.04.3 64-bit
E3-1265L v3

There is my compile kernel shell script.

# /bin/bash
tar jxf kvmgt-preview-3.18.tar.bz2
cd kvmgt-preview-3.18
cp config-3.18.0-host .config
make -j 7
sudo make modules_install
sudo make install

After install finish, I fllow this guide to setup vgt_mgr and vgt.rules to right path.
And add cmdline intel_iommu=igfx_off i915.hvm_boot_foreground=1 to /etc/default/grub, and update it.

And then, reboot system and choose the new kernel(3.18.0-rc7-ppgtt).
But /sys/kernel/vgt not existed.

So, I google, find a mail about how to compile this kernel

I had try to compile kvm, i915 to kernel, not as module.
But /sys/kernel/vgt still not existed.

Did I missing something?

Thanks a lot.

I read vgt codes and found that it loaded by i915_driver_load. I think i915 module load failed.