
ERROR: COS out of bounds for task <64957>

kazi-m22 opened this issue · 2 comments

I am trying to switch the assigned COS for application based on PID using OS interface. When I try to assign COS number, it switches if the COS number is from 0-7. If I put any COS number grater than 7, it shows:

ERROR: COS out of bounds for task <64957>

From pqos -I -sV I have found following:
INFO: L3 CAT details: CDP support=1, CDP on=0, #COS=16, #ways=11, ways contention bit-mask 0x600

What I understand here, there should be 16 COS available

When using the OS interface, the number of COS is limited to what is common to all supported allocation technologies.
On your system, most likely MBA supports 8 COS, so L3CAT will be limited to 8 also.

See documentation here:
