Turning off the locate LED after ejecting the device
jamesyoungman opened this issue · 2 comments
jamesyoungman commented
I use ledctl
to identify which disk to pull when a disk fails: ledctl locate=/dev/sdn
This works well. But, once I eject the faulted device, ledctl locate_off=dev/sdn
no longer works (since, I suppose, the /dev
node is no longer there).
Is there a solution or workaround for this?
mtkaczyk commented
Unfortunately, there is no support for blinking empty slots. We are planning to add it in the future.
I prepared workaround for this problem some time ago.
This will clear every failure led by writing directly to em_message .
I hope it helps.
# This script was designed to remove "failure" led from each empty slot.
# Verified to work with SATA drives.
# locate all possible leds
LEDS=$(find /sys/devices/ -name em_message)
for LED in $LEDS; do
# verify whether led management is supported
[ $(cat "$LED"_supported) == "led" ] || continue
# if state is different than failure then ignore
[ $(cat $LED) == "$STATE_FAILURE" ] || continue
HOST=$(echo $LED | awk -F 'scsi_host' '{print $1}')
# check if disk is present
[ -n $(ls $HOST | grep target) ] || continue
echo "Removing failure led for: $HOST"
mtkaczyk commented
NO, update, closing.