
Not enumerated block device(s) - supporting NVMe

ntnx-alay opened this issue · 1 comments

NVMe usage are seen primarily two ways as it stands. One is via kernel and another with SPDK.
When SPDK is used with, currently ledmon/ledctl cannot be used.

Primary reason is - SPDK would load stub driver instead of "nvme" driver and all traces of the device shall disappear from the sysfs path that qualifies it as valid "block" device.

Now - ability to "manage" LED is a slot feature than NVMe itself and slot does not disappear when running SPDK (or in kernel). If tool has ability to absorb PCIe path of the NVMe drive - now same tool can also be used with SPDK as well. Note that "/dev/nvme*" are used merely to find PCIe device path. Also, NPEM support that got added to this tool makes it even more powerful and compelling to be used in multiple application.

Agree, ledmon is not SPDK ready but it will be a feature, not a bug.
I'm closing this report and moving to #88 for further discussion.
