Does not build: Program './' not found or not executable
dschepler opened this issue · 3 comments
dschepler commented
When I try building the latest release 2.21.0, I get an error while configuring:
meson setup . debian/obj-amd64 -Dbuildtype=release -Dprefix=/usr -Dlibdir=/usr/lib64
The Meson build system
Version: 1.4.0
Source dir: /home/unfrobbed-dev/pkgs/libva/libva-2.21.0
Build dir: /home/unfrobbed-dev/pkgs/libva/libva-2.21.0/debian/obj-amd64
Build type: native build
Project name: libva
Project version: 2.21.0
C compiler for the host machine: cc (gcc 13.2.0 "cc (GCC) 13.2.0")
C linker for the host machine: cc ld.bfd 2.42
Host machine cpu family: x86_64
Host machine cpu: x86_64
Library dl found: YES
Found pkg-config: YES (/bin/pkg-config) 0.29.2
Run-time dependency libdrm found: YES 2.4.120
Run-time dependency x11 found: YES 1.8.8
Run-time dependency xext found: YES 1.3.6
Run-time dependency xfixes found: YES 6.0.1
Run-time dependency x11-xcb found: YES 1.8.8
Run-time dependency xcb found: YES 1.16.1
Run-time dependency xcb-dri3 found: YES 1.16.1
Run-time dependency gl found: YES 1.2
Run-time dependency wayland-client found: YES 1.22.0
Build-time dependency wayland-scanner found: YES 1.22.0
Program /usr/bin/wayland-scanner found: YES (/usr/bin/wayland-scanner)
Checking for function "secure_getenv" : YES
Configuring va_version.h using configuration
Checking if "-Wl,--version-script" : links: YES
Program doxygen found: YES (/bin/doxygen) ERROR: Program './' not found or not executable
A full log can be found at /home/unfrobbed-dev/pkgs/libva/libva-2.21.0/debian/obj-amd64/meson-logs/meson-log.txt
XinfengZhang commented
I could not reproduce the issue, the here
dschepler commented
I could not reproduce the issue, the here
I don't see anywhere in the release tarball at though.
esaaprillia commented
you just need to delete that line in this is the first time I've seen meson running