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Closed this issue · 1 comments

Hi Team,

First of all thank you so much for the open implementation.
Read paper from NEURIPS'19 ML for systems workshop. The result looks very promising. I was trying to replicate the results from paper using this repo. I cloned the github repo and followed the steps as mentioned in the ReadMe document. I'm done with and, when i run python, i get the below error.

Error: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'my_model'.

Note: I know it is present inside code2vec directory and i'm running the code from repo home directory. please help me resolve the issue or else i would take more time to change it manually for all files.

Thanks and Regards,
Vinayak N Baddi

Hi Vinayak,
Thanks for reporting this issue.
Try adding the path to code2vec directory in your PYTHONPATH environment variable.