
The problem in dynamic_vino_sample/CMakeList.txt

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when I try:
colcon build --symlink-install
the file cannot find error would be reported :

(My environment is :
Ubuntu 18.04
openvino 2019_R3.1)

It seems like that the include path has problems, so when checking dynamic_vino_sample/CMakeList.txt ,I found this part:

include_directories( # ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/common/format_reader ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/include ${InferenceEngine_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${InferenceEngine_INCLUDE_DIRS}/../samples ${InferenceEngine_INCLUDE_DIRS}/../samples/extention ("extension"?) ${InferenceEngine_INCLUDE_DIRS}/../src ${realsense2_INCLUDE_DIRS} )
When I set InferenceEngine_INCLUDE_DIRS manually , this proces passed sucessfully.

The InferenceEngine_INCLUDE_DIRS is not defined in ros2_openvino project, it is defined in openvino (/dldt-2019/inference-engine/src/CMakeLists.txt) and this variable is cancelled in the latest version.
So, what about using the relative path of InferenceEngine_DIR instead ofInferenceEngine_INCLUDE_DIRS ?