Extension for Scikit-learn is a seamless way to speed up your Scikit-learn application
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Segmentation fault occurs when fitting GaussianMixture model with n_components=1
#2197 opened by NyankoSong - 3
Bug/unclear behavior in _assert_all_finite
#2165 opened by AdamosX - 3
Intel conda channel is not accessible
#1913 opened by ryan-rozario - 5
Anaconda Intel Channel 403's
#1935 opened by AcylSilane - 1
Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement scikit-learn-intelex.
#2105 opened by dawikrol - 6
memory leak using SVR
#1869 opened by montagne5641 - 4
Memory leak using RandomForestClassifier and PCA
#1881 opened by cannolis - 1
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ONNX comparison in benchmarks
#2051 opened by ogencoglu - 11
Can't convert LGBMClassifier with daal4py
#2006 opened by GLmontanari - 5
Building oneDAL with icpx Compiler Fails to Build scikit-learn-intelex Patch
#1981 opened by rakshithgb-fujitsu - 1
TSNE crashes with specific data
#1973 opened by yuvalwas - 1
Deprecated `TSNE.n_iter` is checked
#1970 opened by yuvalwas - 1
Variability in results using sklearnex with ExtraTrees and RandomForest classifiers
#1916 opened by YoochanMyung - 1
Cannot visualize a tree plot with ExtraTrees and Randomforest classifiers
#1919 opened by YoochanMyung - 1
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Unable to run patch_sklearn()
#1680 opened by briankw1108 - 2
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Memory leak DBSCAN
#1810 opened by jpf18 - 3
Not able to reproduce PCA optimization using sklearn
#1831 opened by ashish615 - 10
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Crash and Cannot load onedal_thread.2.dll
#1664 opened by spinningwatt - 1
Patching not implemented for GradientBoost Algorithms
#1736 opened by ajay-fuji - 12
Logistic regression running with n_jobs=-1
#1709 opened by darshanp4 - 1
How to build scikit-learn-intelex from source
#1747 opened by wswsmao - 1
DPC backend error on Windows
#1746 opened by purohitank - 3
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n_iters_ in SVR is always saved as 10,000
#1712 opened by caspimoshe - 1
model_selection.learning_curve breaks on some datasets
#1705 opened by stan29308 - 4
KNN on max series seems slower than cuda-based implementation on comparable devices ?
#1441 opened by fcharras - 10
KMeans is slow on gpu
#1444 opened by fcharras - 11
SVR not working with intelex path
#1637 opened by darshanp4 - 5
patch_sklearn() is not working but command line python3 -m sklearnex <file.py> is working
#1659 opened by AnuraagaNath - 1
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daal4py release notes
#1597 opened by diro7 - 1
No module named 'daal4py._oneapi'
#1588 opened by emptinessboy - 0
RadiusNeighborsClassifier Support
#1585 opened by napetrov - 2
pypy3 support for daal4py/sklearnex
#1580 opened by lukezli - 9
PCA on gpu hangs
#1534 opened by fcharras - 2
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Cannot install in `Python 3.12` due to `daal4py` not being `py3.12`-ready.
#1540 opened by ayaanhossain - 2
ValueError: node array from the pickle has an incompatible dtype in RandomForestRegressor from MultiOutputRegressor
#1517 opened by jtbr - 3
Longer build time for daal4py with pip
#1470 opened by ajay-fuji - 1
README Hyperlinks down
#1489 opened by gbullido - 2
Accelerated Multi-output Xgboost shows wrong results.
#1439 opened by lk1983823 - 3
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Error in scikit-learn-intelex setup with oneDAL code changes for arm_sve architecture
#1381 opened by chandan-fujitsu-research - 5
Why am I getting different learning curve for SVC in using sklearn and sklearnex
#1390 opened by YuanHank - 13
Offloading to GPU is not working for DBSCAN
#1368 opened by psmgeelen - 4
Precision Issue with PCA
#1367 opened by psmgeelen