InterLink HTCondor sidecar

This repo contains the code of an InterLink HTCondor sidecar, i.e. a container manager plugin which interacts with an InterLink instance and allows the deployment of pod's singularity containers on a local or remote HTCondor batch system.

Quick start

First of all, let's download this repo:

git clone

modify the config file properly. Then to run the server you just have to enter:

cd InterLink_HTCondor_sidecar
python3 --condor-config <path_to_condor_config_file> --schedd-host <schedd_host_url> --collector-host <collector_host_url> --auth-method <authentication_method> --debug <debug_option> --proxy <path_to_proxyfile> --port <server_port>

It will be served by default at In case of GSI authentication, certificates should be placed in /etc/grid-security/certificates.

If Virtual Kubelet and Interlink instances are running and properly configured, you can then test deploying:

kubectl apply -f ./tests/test_configmap.yaml
kubectl apply -f ./tests/test_secret.yaml
kubectl apply -f ./tests/busyecho_k8s.yaml

A special behaviour is triggered if the image is in the form host. The plugin will submit the script which is passed as argument:

kubectl apply -f ./tests/production_deployment_LNL.yaml

Template for interTwin repositories

This repository is to be used as a repository template for creating a new interTwin repository, and is aiming at being a clean basis promoting currently accepted good practices.

It includes:

  • License information
  • Copyright and author information
  • Code of conduct and contribution guidelines
  • Templates for PR and issues
  • Code owners file for automatic assignment of PR reviewers
  • GitHub actions workflows for linting and checking links

Content is based on:

GitHub repository management rules

All changes should go through Pull Requests.

Merge management

  • Only squash should be enforced in the repository settings.
  • Update commit message for the squashed commits as needed.

Protection on main branch

To be configured on the repository settings.

  • Require pull request reviews before merging
    • Dismiss stale pull request approvals when new commits are pushed
    • Require review from Code Owners
  • Require status checks to pass before merging
    • GitHub actions if available
    • Other checks as available and relevant
    • Require branches to be up to date before merging
  • Include administrators