
Check that generated code can be compiled

Opened this issue · 2 comments

I've run into a few instances where Schematic will generated something like this:

// Restart formation.
func (s *Service) FormationRestart(appIdentity int, formationIdentity string) (*Formation, error) {
    var formation Formation
    return &formation, s.Post(&formation, fmt.Sprintf("/apps/%v/formations/%v/actions/restart", appIdentity, formationIdentity), o)

(Which is Go code that cannot compile.)

It can usually be fixed by tweaking some parameters around in a schema, but it might be cool if Schematic performed some kind of sanity check after generating code.

Can you provide the compiler error too?

Oh, definitely! It'll look something like this:

kpi/kpi.go:383: undefined: o

Easiest repro is to set a link's rel attribute to anything that Schematic doesn't expect, say "restart". An o for incoming options will get added to the return line, but will not be defined in the function parameters. These non-standard rel values are a little unusual, but I don't think they're restricted in any way.