
Problem restarting httpd after certificate request

Opened this issue · 3 comments

When the script tries to restart httpd after a certificate request I have the following error:

Starting httpd: (98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address
no listening sockets available, shutting down
Unable to open logs

To resolve the problem I used:

lsof -i :8080

to see who was binding port 8080, and then i terminated manually the httpd processes that were listening on port 8080 using

kill -SIGTERM <pid>

I'm not sure it is strictly related with this project, but if it's not this can be helpful for other users experiencing similar problems

My server is running:
CentOS release 6.7
Vesta 0.9.8
Apache 2.2.15
nginx 1.10.0

It kind of sounds like you have something going on that's causing Apache to hang when it tries to shutdown. While I haven't seen this particular issue on any Vesta server, I have seen Apache hiccup on restarts in other environments before.

Two things you might try:

  • Try doing a "service httpd stop" after you run the letsencrypt-vesta script and get an error. That should cleanly stop all Apache processes. Give it a few seconds and then do a "service httpd start" to restart it.
  • You might also try changing the "service httpd restart" to "service httpd reload" in the letsencrypt-vesta script. Technically, a full Apache restart shouldn't be necessary to load the new cert; a reload of the configs should work in most cases.

Hi, thanks for your reply!

  • I noticed that service httpd restart has this kind of problem only after the execution of letsenrcypt-vesta
  • After letsencrypt-vesta execution service httpd stop fails, so unfortunately this doesn't help
  • Changing service httpd restart in service httpd reload solved the problem!


Please change to reload, it solves the problem for me too. IIRC there's no need to restart the server when only changing the SSL params.