
ember-href-to last version throws ember warnings for some deprications

usamahamed opened this issue · 4 comments

I have the last version of ember-href-to 4.1.0 and it throws a deprecation warning with this id ember.built-in-components.import

testem.js:967 DEPRECATION: Using Ember.LinkComponent or importing from 'LinkComponent' has been deprecated, install the @ember/legacy-built-in-components addon and use import { LinkComponent } from '@ember/legacy-built-in-components'; instead [deprecation id: ember.built-in-components.import] See Ember.js - Deprecations  for more details.

And this when I debug the depreciation cause


This is now hard error under ermber-source v4.0

Sorry, I completely missed this. I'll try to address this early next week if no one else gets to it first.

Hard error in ember-release now indeed.

Sorry for the delay. This has been fixed in v5.0.0