
Alignment error

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Given the following in a Jupyter Notebook, using CollateX Python 2.2:

%reload_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
from collatex import *
collation1 = Collation()
collation1.add_plain_witness("A", "The gray koala.")
collation1.add_plain_witness("B", "The gray koala.")
collation1.add_plain_witness("C", "The koala lives in a tree.")
table1 = collate(collation1, segmentation=False)
collation2 = Collation()
collation2.add_plain_witness("A", "The gray koala.")
collation2.add_plain_witness("B", "The big gray koala.")
collation2.add_plain_witness("C", "The koala lives in a tree.")
table2 = collate(collation2, segmentation=False)
collation3 = Collation()
collation3.add_plain_witness("C", "The koala lives in a tree.")
collation3.add_plain_witness("A", "The gray koala.")
collation3.add_plain_witness("B", "The big gray koala.")
table3 = collate(collation3, segmentation=False)

The output is:

| A | The | gray | koala | -     | -  | - | -    | . |
| B | The | gray | koala | -     | -  | - | -    | . |
| C | The | -    | koala | lives | in | a | tree | . |
| A | The | -     | gray  | koala | - | -    | . |
| B | The | big   | gray  | koala | - | -    | . |
| C | The | koala | lives | in    | a | tree | . |
| C | The | -   | -    | koala | lives | in | a | tree | . |
| A | The | -   | gray | koala | -     | -  | - | -    | . |
| B | The | big | gray | koala | -     | -  | - | -    | . |

The first and third collations are correct; the second is incorrect. The second has the same witnesses as the third, but they are added in a different order.