About the SDLK constants
angelog0 opened this issue · 5 comments
As I wrote elsewhere, after recent changes, this code
write(*,'(A,i0)') 'KEY = ', event%key%key_sym%sym
now works and prints the right values (ASCII code) of the key pressed
So we need the definition for SDLK_ESCAPE and friends which seem are not yet implemented. With those constants this code would work (see #4) too:
if (event%key%key_sym%sym == SDLK_ESCAPE) r = .true.
Out of curiosity: why don’t you just use sdl_get_keyboard_state()
to handle the keyboard input?
The SDL keycodes have been added with commit 1a51d2f.
Thanks for the commit.
If event%key%key_sym%sym
works I could write a routine which return the code of key pressed and the process that code...
key = getevent()
select case (key)
@interkosmos wrote:
The SDL keycodes have been added with commit 1a51d2f
Maybe we need also SDL_BUTTON...
etc. constants?
parameters have been added with commit 9ebb8e4. Please see example events