Simplify entry-point config
divmain opened this issue · 1 comments
divmain commented
Instead of:
entry: {
"./app.js": "app.bundle.js"
split: {
"./lib.js": "lib.bundle.js
do instead:
bundles: {
"./app.js": "app.bundle.js",
"./lib.js": { dest: "lib.bundle.js", entry: false }
divmain commented
Unresolved question: Is bundles
the right name? Thinking ahead to how the semantics of the config might change while in HTTP/2 mode (e.g. only create a bundle for what is now known as a split
bundle), bundles
might be a confusing choice.
It might also be worth allowing an array of input files, where the destination file is determined by examining the input file basename.