Dependency Dashboard
Opened this issue · 0 comments
renovate commented
This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the Dependency Dashboard docs to learn more.
Config Migration Needed
- Select this checkbox to let Renovate create an automated Config Migration PR.
These dependencies are deprecated:
Datasource | Name | Replacement PR? |
npm | node-sass |
npm | popper.js |
These updates are currently rate-limited. Click on a checkbox below to force their creation now.
- Update dependency tailwindcss-rails to v3
- Update dependency ubuntu to v24
- Update dependency webpack-cli to v6
- Update dependency webpack-dev-server to v5
- Update dependency webpack-merge to v6
- Update postgres Docker tag to v17
- Update ruby-on-rails monorepo to v8 (major) (
) - 🔐 Create all rate-limited PRs at once 🔐
These updates have all been created already. Click a checkbox below to force a retry/rebase of any.
- Update dependency ruby to v3.3.5
- Update dependency tailwindcss-rails to "~> 2.7.0"
- Update GitHub Artifact Actions to v4 (major) (
) - Update actions/checkout action to v4
- Update dependency css-loader to v7
- Update dependency node-polyfill-webpack-plugin to v4
- Update dependency node-sass to v9
- Update dependency rspec-rails to v7
- Update dependency sass-loader to v16
- Update dependency style-loader to v4
- Click on this checkbox to rebase all open PRs at once
Ignored or Blocked
These are blocked by an existing closed PR and will not be recreated unless you click a checkbox below.
Detected dependencies
ruby 3.0.3
rails '~> 6.1.4'
pg undefined
puma '~> 6.0'
sass-rails '~> 6.0.0'
webpacker '~> 5.0'
turbolinks '~> 5'
jbuilder '~> 2.7'
bootsnap '>= 1.4.4'
devise undefined
faker undefined
rails_admin '~> 3.0'
cancancan undefined
rexml '~> 3.2', '>= 3.2.4'
faraday undefined
faraday_middleware undefined
figaro undefined
terser undefined
byebug undefined
database_cleaner undefined
factory_bot_rails undefined
rspec-rails '~> 6.1.0'
web-console '>= 4.1.0'
listen '~> 3.6'
rack-mini-profiler '~> 3.0'
spring undefined
pry undefined
capybara '>= 3.26'
selenium-webdriver undefined
simplecov '0.17.1'
webdrivers undefined
rails-controller-testing undefined
tailwindcss-rails "~> 2.0.0"
actions/checkout v3
ubuntu 20.04
actions/checkout v3
ubuntu 20.04
actions/checkout v3
ubuntu 20.04
actions/checkout v3
ruby/setup-ruby v1
actions/upload-artifact v3.2.1
actions/download-artifact v3.0.2
postgres 15
ubuntu 20.04
@rails/actioncable ^7.0.0
@rails/activestorage ^7.0.0
@rails/ujs ^7.0.0
@rails/webpacker 5.4.4
jquery ^3.6.0
node-polyfill-webpack-plugin ^2.0.1
popper.js ^1.16.1
toastr ^2.1.4
turbolinks ^5.2.0
webpack ^5.94.0
webpack-cli ^5.0.0
@babel/core ^7.21.4
@babel/preset-env ^7.21.4
babel-loader ^9.1.2
sass-loader ^13.2.2
style-loader ^3.3.2
css-loader ^6.7.3
@babel/core ^7.21.4
@babel/preset-env ^7.21.4
babel-loader ^9.1.2
css-loader ^6.7.3
mini-css-extract-plugin ^2.7.5
node-sass ^8.0.0
sass-loader ^13.2.2
style-loader ^3.3.2
webpack-dev-server ^4.11.1
webpack-merge ^5.8.0
ruby 3.0.3
- Check this box to trigger a request for Renovate to run again on this repository