
Does not support elasticsearch aliases?

x4team opened this issue · 0 comments

There is such a configuration in the application

<appender name="ELASTIC" class="com.internetitem.logback.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchAppender"> <url>${elasticURL}/_bulk</url> <index>service-logs-${springProfile}</index> <type>entry</type> <!-- <errorLoggerName>es-error-logger</errorLoggerName> &lt;!&ndash; optional &ndash;&gt;--> <connectTimeout>2000</connectTimeout> <!-- optional (in ms, default 30000) --> <errorsToStderr>false</errorsToStderr> <!-- optional (default false) --> <includeCallerData>false</includeCallerData> <!-- optional (default false) --> <logsToStderr>false</logsToStderr> <!-- optional (default false) --> <maxQueueSize>104857600</maxQueueSize> <!-- optional (default 104857600) --> <maxRetries>3</maxRetries> <!-- optional (default 3) --> <readTimeout>15000</readTimeout> <!-- optional (in ms, default 30000) --> <sleepTime>5000</sleepTime> <!-- optional (in ms, default 250) --> <rawJsonMessage>false</rawJsonMessage> <!-- optional (default false) --> <includeMdc>false</includeMdc> <!-- optional (default false) -->

By default, the service-logs-dev index is used. I deleted it and created a shared service-logs index for which I assigned the alias service-logs-dev. As a result, I tested writing the document to the index using the service-logs-dev alias, everything was successful. But the application refuses to write logs by alias. Only if I specify a specific index. So appender doesn't work with aliases? Thanks for the help