- roycewilliamsAnchorage, AK
- bslavin
- kipyegonmarkNairobi
- nogweiiPhoenix, AZ
- ritzcrTokyo
- LimeHatCalifornia
- victorbutler
- TechnologyClassroom
- idunno101
- IceCodeNewBeijing
- rphaley
- egbertsUS
- johnjohndoeBerlin, Germany
- sinteurNetherlands
- tim427Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- filipedelunaPortugal
- Ag-E
- okoeroo
- roaldnefsNetherlands
- nsrderooyRotterdam, The Netherlands
- jschildersBest, NL
- ivodvbThe Hague, The Netherlands
- GermanCoding
- dalf
- lcrockett
- WKobesNetherlands
- vakus
- bash0x0Sweden
- youngchief-btw~youngchief
- AshF0xLuxembourg
- paderijkThe Netherlands
- hannaeko
- gunesacar
- hao-wang
- ph00lt0α Ursae Minoris
- fabianishereLondon, United Kingdom