BUG Need to fix ASAP
Closed this issue · 4 comments
.zip file download progress bar stop at 0%
many time refresh done but same 0% progress
not able to download my valuable .zip file from your drive!
should have to also store somewhere rather than relying on this drive .
It's the most important time i need that file but can't
It appears that those who facing same issue like me . they can just click on share link and open that link in a different browser and there from you can just download the big .zip file
make one thing sure that you're not logged in on the second browser .
Hope this might helps
but devs need to fix this bug as soon as possible . S3 storage bucket becoming slow day by day . even if you're investing million dollar for your site .
Hi there,
Is this issue still happening to you?
yes also other problems also there I already reported via email
Please send these to hello@internxt.com so that they are addressed immediately
Thank you