- 1
Add `query` strategy
#2051 opened by Ionys320 - 0
Unify defining number formats for different locales
#2054 opened by MickL - 0
- 0
uniapp 中使用 vue- i18n 报错
#2052 opened by PMAT77 - 0
Support for Intl.DurationFormat
#2049 opened by Ericlm - 0
- 2
[vue3] vue-i18n reports errors in the component that rendered with render() function
#2023 opened by SZD0319 - 2
- 2
- 1
- 0
- 4
When running app.use(i18n): Argument of type 'I18n<...>' is not assignable to parameter of type 'Plugin<[]>'
#1984 opened by cuikho210 - 0
Add Pluralization rules based on Intl.PluralRules
#2020 opened by ssendev - 0
`useI18n` does not work in web component when using Vue 3.5's `configureApp` option
#2015 opened by WIStudent - 0
- 0
Improve description for `flatJson` option
#2010 opened by NamesMT - 0
vue-i18n 8.28.2 not working with vite (Vue 2.7), error "Uncaught TypeError: Vue is undefined"
#2009 opened by Thomas-1985 - 3
- 0
Provides documentation on how to handle hierarchical locale messages with petite-vue-i18n clearance
#2002 opened by maxfrees - 1
Set number format for different locale than current
#1996 opened by MickL - 1
v-t directive does not rerender when locale switches
#1994 opened by DerZade - 14
v10.0.1 throws error at build time (Vite/Nuxt)
#1946 opened by Anton-Plagemann - 1
- 0
- 3
Build error after 10.0.1 migration
#1957 opened by NathanSoyhuce - 4
- 2
Plural behavior with count == 0
#1982 opened by H3llK33p3r - 5
- 3
Translating with Composition API outside of template tags, does not load the right locale
#1916 opened by fl0wo - 5
- 4
SyntaxError: Need to install with `app.use`
#1874 opened by martinszeltins - 2
Improve interpolation
#1952 opened by Ionys320 - 1
After update vs code to 1.93 <i18n lang="yaml"> in SFC breaks code coloring in subsequent sections
#1938 opened by FragsterAt - 2
Fallback locale not working with linked messages
#1912 opened by mdoesburg - 3
useI18n will make vueuse clipboard support wrong
#1878 opened by thegenius - 2
- 1
Property '$t' does not not exist
#1921 opened by schuhbsi - 2
Cloudflare miniflare dev error
#1902 opened by simultsop - 1
Should change '@vue/runtime-core' to 'vue'
#1915 opened by sunxi1997 - 1
- 1
Linked messages to a locale with a path like key e.g (dashboard.homepage.title: "Dashboard") don't work
#1906 opened by NRodriguezcuellar - 2
Make availableLocales reactive
#1893 opened by markusand - 0
Fetching a message without compilation
#1884 opened by thany - 0
`<i18n>` block works in view but not in component
#1872 opened by frederikheld - 3
- 7
- 0
Allow custom warn implementation
#1861 opened by SpazzMarticus - 2
Interpolations get lost
#1840 opened by hinogi - 4
Shortcut and more readable syntax for `v-t`: allow `<h1 v-t>Hello</h1>` which will be similar to `<h1 v-t="Hello"></h1>`
#1820 opened by alcalyn - 2
CSP Violation when `unsafe-eval` is not set
#1836 opened by dgautsch