
customUserAgent field of RedditOptions is never used

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akhra commented

This is just from reading source, so correct me if I've missed something. Ultimately every runReddit variant ends up at runResumeRedditWith:

runReddit user pass = runRedditWith def { loginMethod = Credentials user pass }
runRedditAnon = runRedditWith def
runRedditWith opts reddit = liftM dropResume $ runResumeRedditWith opts reddit

And runResumeRedditWith unpacks customUserAgent into _ua, which is discarded:

runResumeRedditWith :: MonadIO m => RedditOptions -> RedditT m a -> m (Either (APIError RedditError, Maybe (RedditT m a)) a)
runResumeRedditWith (RedditOptions rl man lm _ua) reddit = do
  manager <- case man of
    Just m -> return m
    Nothing -> liftIO $ newManager tlsManagerSettings
  loginCreds <- case lm of
    Anonymous -> return $ Right Nothing
    StoredDetails ld -> return $ Right $ Just ld
    Credentials user pass -> liftM (fmap Just) $ interpretIO (RedditState loginBaseURL rl manager [] Nothing) $ login user pass
  case loginCreds of
    Left (err, _) -> return $ Left (err, Just reddit)
    Right lds ->
        (RedditState mainBaseURL rl manager [("User-Agent", "reddit-haskell dev version")] lds) reddit

In fact, even if the supplied Manager has a custom UA, it looks like it's overridden for everything except the login action. Everything else gets the hard-coded UA "reddit-haskell dev version".