
plugin not compatible with ng-zorro-antd.

gs-mrpatil opened this issue · 1 comments

I installed ng-zorro-antd && antd-scss-theme-plugin in angular project. Post installation and plugin configuration, it started throwing errors. themeEntryPath issues.
I changed the path

const themeEntryPath = require.resolve('ng-zorro-antd/style/themes/default.less');

after that i changed the sass-loader plugin to version ^7.0.0 because loader API Schema was not compatible. (not compatible with sass-loader ^8.0.0).

Now it is throwing

Invalid CSS after " */": expected 1 selector or at-rule, was "import 'core-js/pro"

can this plugin be made compatible with ng-zorro-antd?

look this issue, NG-ZORRO/ng-zorro-antd#2243.

just define a theme.less, and import in angular.json.