Unable ping in sdn-vanet when car moving
nonhetnuoccham opened this issue · 5 comments
Hi sir,
I am having a project about sdn in vanet and I must simulate it in mininet-wifi . After running code, it is very good and i can ping 2 car in 2 ap, but after a few minute i cannot ping 2 car in 2 ap. This is my code:
import sys
from random import randint
from mininet.node import DefaultController, RemoteController
from mininet.log import setLogLevel, info
from mn_wifi.cli import CLI
from mn_wifi.net import Mininet_wifi
from mn_wifi.link import wmediumd, adhoc,mesh
from mn_wifi.wmediumdConnector import interference
def topology(args):
"Create a network."
net = Mininet_wifi(controller=RemoteController, roads=4,
link=wmediumd, wmediumd_mode=interference)
info("*** Creating nodes\n")
for id in range(0, 10):
min_ = randint(1, 4)
max_ = randint(11, 30)
net.addCar('car%s' % (id+1), wlans=2, min_speed=min_, max_speed=max_)
rsu11 = net.addAccessPoint(
'RSU11', ssid='vanet-ssid', mode='g', position='2600,3500,0', proto='batmand', channel='1', intf='RSU11-wlan1',
rsu12 = net.addAccessPoint(
'RSU12', ssid='vanet-ssid', mode='g', position='2800,3500,0', proto='batmand', channel='6', intf='RSU12-wlan1',
rsu13 = net.addAccessPoint(
'RSU13', ssid='vanet-ssid', mode='g', position='3000,3500,0', proto='batmand', channel='11', intf='RSU13-wlan1',
rsu14 = net.addAccessPoint(
'RSU14', ssid='vanet-ssid', mode='g', position='3200,3500,0', proto='batmand', channel='11', intf='RSU14-wlan1',
c1 = net.addController('c1')
info("*** Configuring Propagation Model\n")
net.setPropagationModel(model="logDistance", exp=4)
info("*** Configuring wifi nodes\n")
info("*** Associating and Creating links\n")
net.addLink(rsu11, rsu12)
net.addLink(rsu11, rsu13)
net.addLink(rsu11, rsu14)
for car in net.cars:
net.addLink(car, cls=mesh, intf='%s-wlan1' % car,
ssid='adhocNet', proto='batmand', mode='g', channel=5,
if '-p' not in args:
net.plotGraph(max_x=500, max_y=500)
info("*** Starting network\n")
for id, ap in enumerate(net.aps):
ap.setIP('192.168.1.%s/24' % (id+11), intf='%s-wlan1' % ap)
ap.setIP('10.0.1.%s/24' % (id+11), intf='%s-eth2' % ap)
info("*** Running CLI\n")
info("*** Stopping network\n")
if name == 'main':
ping result:
after a few minute, I cannot ping 2 car in 2 ap
Can you show my problem and how to fix it.
Could you please tell us about the flow timeout? How is the controller handling flow timeouts?
You didn't answer my question.. :(
How i can show it, i never use controller before and having many thing i donnot know
How i can show it, i never use controller before and having many thing i donnot know
Please don't open a new issue if you don't know exactly what is going wrong. I suggest you to go through related issues since this issue has already been explored in the past.