visual indicator when sequence has begun
emacsomancer opened this issue · 2 comments
If one turns off the "whichkey" component, there is a slight UI disadvantage in that it is not immediately obvious when a key sequence has been begun/the leader-key has been pressed (and thus the input has been 'grabbed' by the interface). In StumpWM, for instance, once the leader-key has been pressed the mouse cursor changes shape. Not that this is necessarily the best way of indicating the interface is 'grabbing keys', but it is one way. Is there some way to trigger some sort of visual/UI indication once the leader-key has been pressed/keygrabbing is in progress?
I did not implement an indicator, simply because there is obvious no one-fits-all solution for it. Some might prefer a popup, some might prefer a widget in a wibar, etc. Hence I figured it's probably best to let the users implement their own indicator, since it's rather trivial.
awesome.connect_signal("modalisa::on_start", function(t)
my_indicator.visible = true
awesome.connect_signal("modalisa::on_stop", function(t)
my_indicator.visible = false
However, I might offer a simple popup shape implementation in the future (e.g. a red circle in the center of the screen).
Thanks. I'll try to see if I can figure out a reasonable indicator function to use here.