
Navigation Bar not showing when card on screen used

xRose1 opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi Everyone
I created a viewcontroller from storyboard and I added a navigation bar to it. I set it as a CardsViewController and then I load the card from CardPartsViewController. I get the navigation bar hidden. I am not sure the constraints or how to fix. The cards hide my navigation bar and I need it so the user can have a back button. Anyone know how this can be done or changed? It might be simple but I cant think of what to change.

Hey XRose1... Are you pushing the CardsViewController from CardPartsViewController or presenting it modally? If you are pushing then you don't need to add any navigation bar & you will get the navigation from the CardPartsViewController. But if you are presenting it, then it makes sense.

Hi @xRose1 - can you verify that this is still an issue? If it is, feel free to re-open the issue.