
Support for iOS 14

agroGandhi opened this issue · 4 comments

There has been some changes to Location - the main one being the changes to geolocation and the ability for the user to change the precision from within the permissions dialogue.

I can't see any branches / beta releases with any updates for this and wanted to find out if this is on your radar and what implications these changes have for the library?

Currently when I select Precise:Off and geolocate with .block accuracy I get a timeOut status response rather than a more appropriate error.

Screenshot 2020-09-09 at 14 43 14

Linking docs for accuracyAuthorization

I have been looking into this further and can see why timeOut is always returned and it seems this is what currently happens when the desired INTULocationAccuracy is not returned. It seems as though the condition at line 642 in INTULocationManager.m is not met - currentLocationHorizontalAccuracy <= horizontalAccuracyThreshold. Rather than returning an appropriate accuracy status the app hangs until the timeout is reached. With the new changes to location accuracy in mind, I would like to suggest that we should add a new INTULocationStatus that indicates that accuracy has not been met as opposed to waiting for a timeout

Hmm.. Ya, good call out. I got a job at Apple now, so I'm not supposed to help on open source projects without permission from legal. And truthfully I don't have time even if I was allowed.

@croossin do you have time or interest? @roxiomontes anyone interested in looking at this?

Hi, I've created a pull request to allow simple process for users who using this framework. Please check if it's possible to merge.

@jjksam any fix for this or new branh.