
yarn auto next - TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'history') [first-time-contributor plugin]

jdalrymple opened this issue · 3 comments

Describe the bug

I've been racking my head at what might be the cause of this error but i legit cant seem to narrow it down. I've been running a Gitlab CI script that executes yarn auto next with the first-time-contributor plugin. This results in this error:

TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'history')
    at /builds/jdalrymple/gitbeaker/node_modules/@auto-it/first-time-contributor/src/index.ts:92:45

Here is my config:

noVersionPrefix: true

  - npm
  - released
  - first-time-contributor
  - all-contributors
  - ./scripts/auto-before-commit-changelog-plugin.js

To Reproduce

Not exactly sure, trying to figure out where its deriving from.

Next steps are to create a dedicated sample project, but figured i should ask for ideas before diving deeper.

Here is the job.log with the debug flags. Its quite long since this is a massive PR. My guess is that the size is the source of the issue.

Expected behavior

No error haha Or at least provide a more helpful error message


Environment information:

Environment Information:
"auto" version: v10.43.0
"git"  version: v2.38.4
"node" version: v18.15.0
Project Information:
✔ Repository:      jdalrymple/gitbeaker (​[​](
✔ Author Name:     Justin Dalrymple
✖ Author Email:    undefined
✔ Current Version: 35.8.0
✔ Latest Release:  35.8.0 (​[​](
✖ Labels configured on GitHub project (Try running "auto create-labels")
GitHub Token Information:
✔ Token:            [Token starting with ghp_]
✔ Repo Permission:  admin
✔ User:             jdalrymple
✔ API:              undefined (​undefined​)
✔ Enabled Scopes:   repo, user, workflow, write:discussion, write:packages
✔ Rate Limit:       3959/5000

Additional context

Sorta worked locally. I will test some more and follow up

Spoke too soon, also happens locally

Closing issue - Related to using incompatible tools (auto+turborepo and not lerna)