
Chrome plugin does not support next/prerelease

dcow opened this issue · 1 comments

dcow commented

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We'd like to use the chrome plugin to publish our chrome extension. We also want to publish pre-releases to the team so they can test out before we go live. Currently when you try to run auto configured with the chrome plugin on a prerelease branch, it tells you the chrome store does not support prerelease versions.

Describe the solution you'd like

Two considerations come to mind:

  1. it would be nice to have auto publish github pre-releases even if the distribution plugin (in this case chrome) doesn't support pre-release versions. That way pre-releases can just be downloaded from github manually and people can still test them out.

  2. I believe the chrome store does support pre-releases via one of two mechanisms:
    (a) using a separate listing for testing:, or
    (b) by using the publishTarget parameter:

I think both options should be supported for maximum compatibility with different project setups. We use group publishing and have to use option (a) for instance, but that shouldn't preclude someone from using option (b).

Describe alternatives you've considered

An alternative is to just use the vanilla gh-tags plugin and run a separate chrome store publish workflow action or CI job in response to a github pre-release being created. However, that means you don't really use half of the functionality auto provides.

I myself don't use this plugin anymore but if you want to help submit that I can point you towards examples of how it should work! Will happily merge a PR