
auto version skipRelease behaviour

Yeti-or opened this issue · 6 comments

I'm trying to release feature branch;

I have several pr-s in these branch, some of them are minors, some patches and some ci commits that should be skipped;
I merged itб but auto decided to skip my release

Please help me understand this behaviour

My labels:

prLabels [
  [ 'plasma-infra', 'skip-release' ],
  [ 'skip-release' ],
  [ 'skip-release' ],
  [ 'skip-release' ],
  [ 'skip-release' ],
  [ 'minor' ],
  [ 'minor' ],
  [ 'plasma-infra', 'Hotfix', 'skip-release' ],
  [ 'patch' ],
  [ 'plasma-infra', 'skip-release' ],
  [ 'skip-release' ],
  [ 'skip-release' ],
  [ 'plasma-infra', 'skip-release' ],
  [ 'skip-release' ],
  [ 'skip-release' ],
  [ 'skip-release' ],
  [ 'minor' ],
  [ 'minor' ],
  [ 'skip-release' ]

yes the last pr to feature branch is CI related, but I don't understand why we should skip release if only last label is 'skip-release' ?

the code I am asking about:

  const skipRelease = onlyPublishWithReleaseLabel
    ? !lastMergedCommitLabels.some((label) => releaseLabels.includes(label))
    : lastMergedCommitLabels.some((label) => skipReleaseLabels.includes(label));

I don't understand why lastMergedCommit is more important then all other commits

Environment Information:

"auto" version: v10.36.6
"git"  version: v2.32.1 (Apple Git-133)
"node" version: v14.21.2

Project Information:

✔ Repository:      salute-developers/plasma
✔ Author Name:     Vasiliy Loginevskiy
✔ Author Email:
✖ Current Version: v
✔ Latest Release:  @salutejs/plasma-website@0.182.0

✖ Labels configured on GitHub project (Try running "auto create-labels")

GitHub Token Information:

✔ Token:            [Token starting with 3b3d]
✖ Repo Permission:  read
✔ User:            Eva
✔ API:
✔ Enabled Scopes:   gist, notifications, repo, user, workflow, write:discussion, write:packages
✔ Rate Limit:       4447/5000

Additional context

I use conventional-commits plugin to calc version bump

I'm pretty sure the behavior is to skip the release if the head commit has skip-release on it. Without that a release should have gone out