
Error collecting references from a pdf

vitordbo opened this issue · 3 comments

The first three references in this file are not collected, perhaps because they are on another page (12)


I'm not sure if we have a Portuguese document in our training set so it could also be some language related issues as well. If you take a look at the .ttx output it will probably become clearer. If you'd like to provide a fixed version of the .ttx for the training set, we'll be happy to update the finder model. Provided if it's OK to include the text of the paper here (CC-by is fine).

How can I take a look at this .ttx file? Is there some tutorial?
Thanks for answering by the way! AnyStyle is being very helpful with a cientific articles project here in Brazil.

The paper is an open access paper (

Unfortunately this isn't documented, but you can find some issue threads around here with some background info.